Radio Design Group, Inc.

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The Greatest Invention That Futurists Missed (and Why It's Understandable)

Flying cars, voice command of computers, biometric recognition, beam weapons, self-driving cars, and artificial intelligence; there were futuristic predictions of all these and more in the movies.  But there was one thing that no one predicted and for good reasons.

The One Invention They Missed: The Smartphone Revolution

What did they miss?  The smartphone.  Probably the one “futuristic” item that is the most taken-for-granted gadget the world has ever seen.  Sure, there were hints of the smartphone in such things as the Star Trek communicator or the Dick Tracy “two-way wrist TV.” Still, the capability and societal impact of the smartphone go way beyond anything the movie writers imagined, even in movies as late as the ’90s. Like the Vid-Phone in Blade Runner, for example. 

The Complex Web of Technologies Behind the Smartphone

While it seems like a simple and obvious invention to many of us now, the advent of the smartphone required so many innovations, new technologies, and inventions that futurists can be forgiven for not anticipating its arrival.

Even during the early cellular years of the 80s, when the industry gurus promised that, soon enough, everyone would have a cellphone and landlines would become obsolete, no one expected the world we see today.  Back to the Future II was stuck on the fax as a primary means of communication.  A clear miss, given that the fax machine is almost extinct, and most written communication is via text messaging.

The biggest reason the futurists missed the smartphone is simple: So many technologies came together to create it that no one could foresee them all.  Here is a list of the significant technologies that came together to create the smartphone:

  • Cellular communications

  • Digital wireless data transmission

  • Wi-Fi

  • GPS

  • Bluetooth communications

  • Digital cameras

  • Touch screens

  • LCD and LED displays

  • The Internet

  • The world wide web

  • Cloud computing

  • Small, powerful computing engines

  • Lithium batteries

  • Downloadable applications

  • Social media

  • Streaming services

When you stop and think about all of the advancements (and more!) that had to happen for the smartphone to exist, it’s not surprising that Hollywood (and other futurists) missed it. 

RDG’s Innovative Approach: Turning Fantasy into Reality

Here at Radio Design Group, our curiosity is always leading us to new ideas and thinking “outside the box.” While we may not be able to predict the future, we can help find ways to turn your ideas into the next big thing. Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with us, and let’s make the impossible reality!