TC-8U Signal Combiner

a new level of IM performance

The TC-8U brings a new level of IM (inter-mod) performance to combiner systems, using advanced technology not found in any other system. It can be used with any low-power UHF application, such as IEMs (in-ear monitors), IFB (interrupt-for-broadcast) monitors, and wireless intercoms.

While IM products are still produced in any combined antenna system, they are at much lower levels with the TC-8U.

Eight RF inputs are combined with low IM levels into one antenna output.  Power levels of up to 250 mW per channel can be selected, and the unit is completely linear in operation, allowing use with the UV-1G enhanced narrowband intercom system.

The TC-8U offers increased efficiency over the existing TX-8U Combiner, running both cooler and quieter.

  • Frequency range: 470-700 MHz

  • Input level: 10-250 mW

  • Output level:  Adjustable 50, 100 and 250 mW per channel

  • RF port impedance: 50 ohms
